2024 Kinesiology Training Enrolments Open


Is your ‘Subconscious’ creating resistance?

I tell a story of the child that plays in the puddles, so much fun jumping and splashing about, until one of those fun puddles is actually a manhole without a lid. Without a conscious thought the child jumps in boots and all and finds themselves underwater.

The threat is real, perhaps a small trauma, but pleasurable behaviour is now replaced with a basic survival instinct. Scooped up pretty quickly by an attentive parent the child is shocked but safe. The child has experienced a stress response and the mind will now set up a subconscious alerting thought pattern that motivates this child to stay away from the disagreeable experiences. This can now kick in every time they go anywhere near a puddle, this fun game is no longer so exciting because just below awareness is a subconscious reminder that this game was not a safe one.

If this resistance is not meant with conscious understanding which helps this child to learn to consider the surroundings and those safety thoughts of which puddles are fun and which are not, then the resistance may well continue to keep alerting them to forever steer clear of all puddles.

“When you are stressed, constantly irritated, nervous, experiencing frequent mood swings, or when your adrenals are feeling overtaxed these are times when your subconscious survival brain is more likely to be the one calling the shots.”

Kinesiology works with these subconscious patterns (the driving forces behind most of our programmed and patterned decision making processes). Muscle Testing is tapping into the subconscious bringing it to your conscious awareness for you to be able to make a more informed choice.  Enquire here for a consultation and see what subconscious resistance is calling the shots on your life.   https://www.bodywisdom.co.nz/page/contact/


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